Thank you 2019, Hello 2020!

From Susan: 

Thanks to everyone who made 2019 an incredible year for GRP! We kept our foundational programming going and added a few new ones. This past year, we partnered with Utah Humanities to host Golden Rule Conversations. They will continue into 2020. We also partnered with Design for Change and will continue that partnership into 2020. Additionally, the Charter for Compassion and United Religions Initiative are terrific partners for International Golden Rule Day that we celebrate every April 5. Last, in 2020, we will be coordinating a small pilot project focused on mindfulness in a handful of elementary schools to see what outcomes might be measurable.  

We are excited to close out 2019, the year and the decade, and look forward to renewing current partnerships and forming new ones in the coming years and decade. I am wishing for you joy, peace, and abundance in 2020!

From Felipe: 

2019 has been a fun-filled year with lots of improvements and lessons learned that have helped put Golden Rule Project on the map in the peace-making and compassionate movements. I’m thankful we were able to bring more of our projects to rural areas of Utah and spread out from the Wasatch front. My hope is that during 2020, we can reach even more hearts in Utah and around the world with our projects. We are always looking for more opportunities to grow and I’m excited for what 2020 will bring to our organization. I invite you to partner up with us. Let’s bring more kindness to our homes, places of work, and communities. Practicing the Golden Rule is a great tool to spread that message of compassion and empathy to all. Thank you to everyone that was part of our year. We are grateful for the many opportunities we had in 2019.

2019 Year End Report - FINAL.jpg

With love,

The Golden Rule Project team.